Civic Action


What are effective ways to take action in the digital age?

Offering youth opportunities to take informed action enables them to apply their learning to real world contexts,  develop civic knowledge, build civic skills, gain experience working with others, and deepen their civic commitments. Now, in the digital era, youth can draw on digital media and online platforms to respond to issues of shared concern and mobilize others to bring about change in a variety of ways.

Educators can play a key role in supporting youth to analyze issues fully in order to identify relevant and effective tactics and strategies for action, as well as learning the skills needed to tap into the power of digital media to participate in a variety of ways. Explore the resources on this page to learn more about ways you can help your students take action.

Encouraging Students to Take Action

In this video, ninth grade teacher Matt Colley’s students work in small groups to research and plan an action project focused on a contemporary problem.

Supporting Informed & Equitable Voting

Educators also play an important role in supporting youth to understand the mechanics of voting and elections, to learn about election related issues from multiple perspectives, to mobilize others to vote, and to get involved in elections regardless of their eligibility to vote. Explore the Teaching for Democracy Alliance’s self-assessment matrix as well as their collection of resources to learn about a range of non-partisan approaches.


This video from We the Voters gives educators and students a quick overview of the history of US voting rights and what obstacles might prevent people from voting.

In this video from KQED and PBS, students can explore what keeps young people from voting and how to get more young people to vote.

Here, KQED and PBS explore whether the process of voting is too difficult.

This 2-day set of lesson plans created by CERG demonstrates how educators can support informed and safe voting in a nonpartisan manner. The lessons can be taught consecutively or independently. Click here to download the lessons for your school or classroom.

Digital Civics Classroom Resources

The resources in the ACTION module invite students to carefully consider a broad range of tactics and strategies to address issues important to them. Students are also invited to extend their definition of what it means to take civic action in the digital age.

Digital Media and Struggles for Justice

In this video, the Black Youth Project explores what it means to take action in the digital age. Use this video with your students alongside the accompanying curriculum resources.


Background Info


Civic Voice


Civic Knowledge